Producing quality content regularly is mandatory not just for your search engine rankings but also for a great conversion rate on your website. But how do you know? What sort of content should you publish? And isn’t quality a very individualistic attribute? What is quality to you may not be quality to xyz?
Am I Publishing Quality Content on my website?
Although this Hubspot article says that you can create and publish quality content if you strictly follow Google’s guidelines, there is more to that. In order to publish quality content, first of all you need to understand exactly why you are publishing content on your website. Is it because the others are doing it or your SEO guy/girl says that you cannot get good search engine rankings unless you publish lots of keyword-centric content? This is not a bad reason to create and publish content but if you are publishing it solely for this purpose, it ain’t going to work much for you. There has to be something deep. Something that makes sense to your customers and clients.
How to create quality content for Website?
Here are a few things to keep in mind in order to create quality content for your website:
Write for humans, not for machines
This point has been beaten to pulp but still it is one of the most overlooked advises when it comes to creating quality content for blogs and websites. When you are creating and publishing content keep your prospective customers and clients (and also your existing customers and clients) in mind. Does your content help them? Can they easily understand it?
Should you ignore the search engine algorithms completely? Fortunately, search engine ranking algorithms these days are built in such a manner that content that is specifically created for search engines doesn’t enjoy good search engine rankings. This is why social endorsement and backlinking is important. Your content needs to be validated by other human beings before it can enjoy good search engine rankings. Keywords are important, but only up till a particular point.
Quality writing still rules
Bad spellings, careless typos and skewed grammar will put off your customers and clients big time. It shows you don’t care about them. How can you provide a decent product or service if you can’t even write decently or can’t even employ someone who can write decently? What people read on your website might be the first contact they have with you (and what you represent) and if the moment they come to your website and they come across lousy writing, they will abandon your website. So make sure you proofread before publishing on your website. If you are not confident about your writing skills, then hire someone who is.
Organize your website content under various sections
Organize your content in such a manner that it is easily scannable by people. By merely going through your headings, subheadings, highlighted text and bulleted points people should be able to get the main gist of your message. Use explicit words that cause the least confusion. For instance, the above heading “Organize your website content under various sections” tells you exactly what follows. Similarly, you can sum up the main points using bulleted lists. Various HTML elements can be used to highlight particular portions of your content.